Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Virtual Tour Using TPACK Principles

For my virtual tour assignment, I am relying on TPACK principles to fit the pedagogy to the content I will be teaching and the technology to the content and pedagogy.

Content: 4th Grade Social Studies

  • Standard 1: Students will understand the relationship between the physical geography in Utah and human life.

  • Objective 3: Analyze how human actions modify the physical environment.

  • a. Describe how and why humans have changed the physical environment of Utah to meet their needs (e.g. reservoirs, irrigation, climate, transportation systems and cities).

Pedagogy: I am helping my students to learn material about the Transcontinental Railroad visually by providing them with materials that allow them to see firsthand the geographic features that permeate the path and stops of the Transcontinental Railroad. I am also allowing them to feel as if they are part of the journey through journal entries in which students write from the point of view of travelers and spectators. These elements help the students feel as if they are really part of the entire experience. This way, the students learn more and better appreciate the struggles and experiences associated with the Transcontinental Railroad.

Technology: I will be using Google Earth for this lesson. Google Earth is the perfect enhancement of my lesson about the Transcontinental Railroad. It allows the students to view the locations used for the Railroad firsthand, thus helping them to understand the physical environment and the distance between stops through visual means. Additionally, Google Earth allows my students to learn the material in a fun, creative way!

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