Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Technology Enhanced Lesson: Endangered Species

I decided to use create a Power Point presentation to enhance my shared reading lesson about endangered species. After reading the text aloud to the second grade students as they followed along and guiding them to discover each animal's endangerment through various activites, I used my Power Point to assess the students' understanding. I had found pictures of each animal studied on the Internet, and each slide contained the animal's name, picture, and cause for endangerment. I programmed the Power Point so that only the animals' names and pictures were originally shown. For each slide/animal, the students recorded the animal's name and one cause for endangerment, based on their understanding of the lesson's content. They recorded their answers on the corresponding worksheet I had created; the worksheet contained blanks for the students to record the animal and cause for endangerment for all eight animals. After the students had finished recording the cause for endangerment for each animal, I displayed the correct answer.

I was very satisfied with this lesson! I feel that it was an excellent assessment of the focus of the lesson, and the students did a great job on the assessment. Additionally, the students were engaged throughout. This was a great experience!

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